We are hiring! Go to CAREERS to find out more.

 The Vineyard Care Centre hosts of large number of friendly volunteers and support networks, each ready to come alongside anyone and help them move towards a more independent lifestyle. We want to equip people to escape the poverty trap and its effects, so they are free to fulfil their God given potential. We approach this through five specific Vineyard ministries, as well as hosting a number of agencies and support groups at our Care Centre. Read our most recent updates to give you an idea of what we do and how we make an impact.

Give & Get Involved

We’ve found that when people see their fellow man or woman in need, they want to help. We love seeing generosity flow out of compassion. Thank you for your support!


The Care Centre is an outworking of the Vineyard Church’s ongoing commitment to live out the Bible’s teaching: to help those in need and stand up with the marginalised. Donate to our Care Centre (formerly FEED) Fund to help support the work we do with families (REFUEL, KIT, PARENTING SUPPORT), to ensure our shop is fully stocked (for BRIDGE members) and we can meet our operational costs.


The Vineyard Care Centre runs a number of ministries which makes it a large operation! It’s currently powered by a hundred volunteers - brilliant everyday people that freely give their time and expertise to help others and serve a greater vision. There are a number of different roles and tasks that need to be fulfilled, on various days, at different times and locations. Join our fun team and find a place you feel at home!


If you’d like to donate physical items to a specific ministry or financially fund food items, find out how you can give to each ministry here.


link us with your nectar points


Go to our page and click on ‘Donate to this charity’. Sign up to the Crowdfunder platform in order to link us with your Nectar Points!


There are so many people that give to the Care Centre. We try to thank everyone, from the individual who drops off a few items as a one-off, to huge corporations who donate hundreds of items every month. We take comfort in knowing that, when we aren’t able to acknowledge every gift, God sees every act of kindness. We’d like to take this opportunity to publicly big up our regular sponsors - huge thanks to you!


If you’d like to explore corporate sponsorship of the Care Centre please get in touch and see how we can partner with you.