BRIDGE is part of the Vineyard Care Centre. BRIDGE is a membership scheme offering access to food alongside a wide range of help, support and resources. Find out more here.
Donate food and essential items for BRIDGE at the Vineyard Church (Mon-Fri,10am-3pm, map) or drop items at our BRIDGE Donation Points (formerly FEED) in St Albans stores of Sainsbury, Morrisons and Waitrose. Download a shopping list to find what we’re in need of. Thank you!
BRIDGE is part of the Vineyard Care Centre, an outworking of the Vineyard Church’s ongoing commitment to live out the Bible’s teaching: to help those in need and stand up with the marginalised. Donate to our Care Centre Fund to ensure our shop is fully stocked and we can meet our operational costs.
Donating to BANKUET means they’ll deliver those items we’re most in need of, at any given time. This means we can ensure a fully stocked shop for our BRIDGE (formerly FEED) guests.
join the team
BRIDGE is powered brilliant everyday people that freely give their time and expertise to help others and serve a greater vision. There are a number of different roles and tasks that need to be fulfilled, on various days, at different times and locations. Join our fun team and find a place you feel at home!
regular sponsors
We’ve found that when people see their fellow man or woman in need, they want to help. We love seeing generosity flow out of compassion. Thank you for your continued support.
BRIDGE is part of the Vineyard Care Centre
The Vineyard Care Centre exists to equip people with the tools and support they need to move towards living a more independent life, empowering them to fulfil their God given potential.