REFUEL is part of the Vineyard Care Centre. REFUEL provides fresh & healthy lunches in the school holidays, for families in receipt of Pupil Premium who’d otherwise be receiving free school meals. Find out more here.


Text VINEYARDREFUEL to 70085 to give £10

Texts cost £10 (enough to buy the whole family a meal) plus one standard rate message.


REFUEL is part of the Vineyard Care Centre, an outworking of the Vineyard Church’s ongoing commitment to live out the Bible’s teaching: to help those in need and stand up with the marginalised. You can give financially to REFUEL through this fund, as well as to the Care Centre’s wider remit.


REFUEL is currently powered by volunteers - brilliant everyday people that freely give their time to organise warm hospitality, culinary skills to cook fresh delicious food, and fun souls to create great meal themes, games and crafts for a family event! A team working together to serve a greater vision. Join our REFUEL party and find a place you feel at home.


We’ve found that when people see their fellow man or woman in need, they want to help. We love seeing generosity flow out of compassion. Thank you for your continued support.


Refuel is part of the Vineyard Care Centre

The Vineyard Care Centre exists to equip you with the tools and support you need to move towards living a more independent life, empowering you to fulfil your God given potential.

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