Catch up on past Ventureland Church session and resources!
Rise & shine
We are looking at how the first Christians "Rise & Shine" Jesus' light in the world and how the church grew as a result.
Rise & shine | 1
Rise & shine | 2
Rise & shine | 3
Rise & shine | 4
Rise & shine | 5
Rise & shine | 6
Rise & shine | 7
the acts church
Today the children will learn about the Acts church. They will explore what characterises the Acts church had and look at ways that they can have fun with their families following the example of the Acts church with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Passover to Pentecost
We are exploring the events which happened after Jesus' resurrection.
Passover to Pentecost | 1
Passover to Pentecost | 2
Passover to Pentecost | 3
Passover to Pentecost | 4
Passover to Pentecost | 5
Passover to Pentecost | 6
Passover to Pentecost | 7
The Ventureland children will be taken to a special garden today to learn about the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Ventureland children will learn about the incredible alignment between Passover and Easter.
Miracles of Jesus
In this series, we are learning about the miracles of Jesus and hearing about miracles that happened in the lives of people in our church family
Miracles of Jesus | 1
Miracles of jesus | 2
Miracles of Jesus | 5
Miracles of Jesus | 8
Miracles of Jesus | 3
Miracles of Jesus | 6
Miracles of Jesus | 9
Miracles of Jesus | 4
Miracles of Jesus | 7
Miracles of Jesus | 10
The Life of Jesus
We will be learning about the childhood of Jesus.
The life of jesus | 1
The life of jesus | 2
Super Heroes of the Bible
The kids will learn more about themselves as God's SuperHero, how God made them the way they are (Eph 2:10), placed them in their own family, in their own home, in their neighbourhood, and their school to share about His love with those around them.
Super heroes of the bible | 1
Super heroes of the bible | 2
Super heroes of the bible | 3
Super heroes of the bible | 4
Super heroes of the bible | 5
Super heroes of the bible | 8
Super heroes of the bible | 6
Super heroes of the bible | 9
Super heroes of the bible | 7
Super heroes of the bible | 10
A Celebration
we are starting a 3-week party! We will be celebrating today as we look at God's forever love story and learn about the best ever party that we will have in heaven one day with Jesus.
A Celebration | 1
A Celebration | 2
A Celebration | 3
SuperHero for God
we will look at the Truth of who God says we are, celebrate "This is me!" and we will see what to do with the lies we so easily believe.
SuperHero for God | 1
SuperHero for God | 2
SuperHero for God | 3
SuperHero for God | 4
SuperHero for God | 5
SuperHero for God | 6
SuperHero for God | 7
SuperHero for God | 8
Precious Stones
We are welcoming the new Diamond children to Ventureland and all the other kids to their new jewel groups! We will learn how precious we as children are to God (just like the precious stones of our group names) and will practice using our "mind TV" while spending time with Jesus.
My Neighbourhood Mission
We will start looking at some of the things the disciples did after receiving the Holy Spirit as not only did about 3000 people came to faith but new believers joined them daily!
My neighbourhood Mission | 1
My neighbourhood Mission | 4
My neighbourhood Mission | 2
My neighbourhood Mission | 5
My neighbourhood Mission | 3
My neighbourhood Mission | 6
Pentecost 2020
Today we will explore the Jewish feast of Pentecost to help us understand what the disciples were doing before they received the Holy Spirit.
My Neighbourhood Heart
Today we learn how God has picked our neighbours for us. You will get a "neighbourhood heart" to fill in as God give you and your family opportunities to meet your neighbours.
Our Father
We will be having fun learning the Lord’s prayer so that we can pray daily “Your kingdom come!”
Catching God’s Voice
We are learning how to know if it is God speaking to us through dreams, pictures and words.
My Dreams
We are learning about hearing from God for the God ideas He has for sharing His love with the people around us.
we Are Royalty
We are Royalty! We will be looking at what it means to be a royal child of God.
Easter 2020
In this series, we will look at the “big picture of Easter.”
easter 2020 | 1
easter 2020 | 2
easter 2020 | 3
setting the thermostat
Enjoy 3 activities with your family learning about a Family Thermostat, a Family I Love You High 5 and having fun with your family doing worship with lights.