How did those characters in the gospels encounter Jesus? What impact did it have on them? How did it shape their futures? And more importantly, how has encountering Jesus changed you? How will encountering Jesus in your future transform you from who you are and what you struggle with today?
Get ready to encounter Jesus yourself in a fresh way.

6 | Going Deep

Mark Helvadjian, 16 February, 2020

When we encounter Jesus, it is always an invitation for more. As we look at the story of Jesus calling His first disciples, we learn practical kingdom insights about moving out into our calling.
But more than that, we also see that, just like the fisherman, we have a choice as to whether we stay with our nets full of fish or go deeper and follow Jesus.


5 | Come As You Are

Denise Gray, 09 February, 2020

Denise reminds us of the importance of personal connection with Jesus and that He wants us to come just as we are.


4 | Come Out From Under Your Fig Tree

Mark Helvadjian, 02 February, 2020

We all have those moments where the heat of the day gets too much, and we take shade under our fig tree of choice. Looking at the story of Jesus calling Nathanael from under the fig tree, we see how the invitation to walk with Jesus is an invitation to experience an altogether different way of living, being transformed as we encounter Him.


3 | Encounter His Presence

Wendy Howson - January 26, 2020

In this talk, Wendy explores all that encountering
His presence releases to us:
Healing & Provision
Peace & Hope



1 | Changed Forever

Mark Helvadjian - January 12, 2020

Mark kicks off a brand-new series entitled, ENCOUNTER. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be exploring stories from the gospels of ordinary men and woman encountering Jesus and the transformation it brings. In our first talk, we look at the story of the woman with the issue of blood, and in it we see 5 hallmarks of encountering Jesus and what it means for us today.


2 | An Encounter with Mercy

Mark Helvadjian - January 19, 2020

Have you found yourself running dry? Needing God to step in? As we continue in our ENCOUNTER series, we look at Jesus’ first miracle, changing water into wine at the wedding at Cana. As the groom encounters Jesus, He encounters God's mercy. But more than that, we see the wedding story foretelling the wedding which is to come and the new wine which Jesus brings – and everyone is invited.
