3 | Sabbath

Mark Helvadjian, 15 March, 2020

Did you know that God has created a rhythm for your week? Rather than an arbitrary day off, the Sabbath day was created as part of a life-giving rhythm for how you live. As we look at our second Spiritual practice, we see God’s design for the Sabbath, the benefits it brings and practical tips on how we can practice the Sabbath in our modern world.

2 | Silence and Solitude

Mark Helvadjian, 8 March, 2020

In a world where we’re constantly being bombarded with noise and the lie that we have to ‘do’ rather than ‘be’, our first spiritual practice, Silence and Solitude, shows itself to be the perfect antidote.  Modelled by Jesus throughout his earthly ministry, we look at the 5 benefits to silence and how we can position ourselves for His grace through this discipline.


1 | Following the Way of Jesus

Mark Helvadjian, 23 February, 2020

 Do you ever find yourself tired? Anxious? Run ragged by the ‘breakneck pace’ of life? We live in an age of advanced technology, empowering us to stay more connected, do less manual labour and enjoy a wealth of leisure time that past generations could only dream of. But if we've never had it so good, why do we all feel so wrecked? As we introduce the second part of our Encounter talk series, we consider spiritual practices that we can easily adopt every day to enable us encounter Jesus, wherever we are. Rather than accepting a one-off invitation to ‘experience God’, we want to accept Jesus’ continuous invitation to encounter Him every single day in a new and fresh way.